Book Manuscript
- Regressive Redistribution: The Politics of Inequality in Post-Colonial Autocracies (In progress)
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
- Hartnett, A. and M. Saleh (2024). ``Precolonial Elites and Colonial Redistribution of Political Power.’‘American Political Science Review, Forthcoming. Download the most recent version here.
– Replication data available here
– Previous Draft awarded Best Paper on Social Entrepreneurship and Inclusion (APSA Inequality Section 2021) and Best Paper Honorable Mention (APSA MENA Section 2022).
- Cheng, Cindy, Joan Barceló, Allison Hartnett, Robert Kubinec, and Luca Messerschmidt. 2020. COVID-19 Government Response Event Dataset (CoronaNet v1.0). Nature Human Behaviour.
– Project website and data here
- Hartnett, A. (2018) “The Effect of Refugee Integration on Migrant Labor in Jordan.” Review of Middle East Studies, 52(2): 263-282.
Working Papers
- Hartnett, A.S. and M. Saleh. ``The Glorious Revolution that Wasn’t: Rural Elite Conflict and Demand for Democratization.’’
- Hartnett, A.S. ``After the Commons: Economic Opportunity and Colonial Legacies of Land Privatization’’
- Hartnett, A.S. and A.E. Mohamed. ``Monopolizing Religious Markets: Religious Opposition and Autocratic Investments in Religious Education.’’
- Hartnett, A.S. and T. Babalola. “In the Eye of the Beholder: Proximity to Power and the Relativity of Regime Type.”
- “In the Shadows? Informal Enterprise and the State in Jordan.” with Kristin Fabbe (Harvard Business School) and Steve Monroe (Yale-NUS).
- “Does Aid Buy Trust? Evidence from Poland.” with Alexander Gard-Murray.
- “The Colonial Origins of State Repression in MENA.’’ with Elizabeth Nugent (Princeton) and Nicholas Lotito (Princeton).
- “Selectorate Dynamics in Autocracies: colonial and post-colonial minister appointments in the Middle East and North Africa.”
- “Surviving Decolonization: Elite Expropriation and Autocratic Leader Tenure in Post-Colonial Contexts.”
Book Chapters
Encyclopedia Entries
- Hartnett, A. (2011) Entries for Energy Policy in Egypt, Jordan, Libya, and Qatar in Encyclopedia of Energy. Croton-on-Hudson, New York: Golson Media.
Book Reviews
- Hartnett, A. (2014) Review of Globalization & Social Movements: Islamism, Feminism and Social Justice, 2nd ed. by Valentine Moghadam. St. Antony’s International Review, 10(1): 135-37.
Works in Progress
- “Students Into Iraqis: The Politics of Education in Ba’athist Iraq,” Christiana Parreira (Geneva).
- “Private Education and the Public Sector: Evidence from Jordan,” with Gabriel Koehler-Derrick (NYUAD) and Melani Cammett (Harvard).
- “Becoming Jordanian: development and citizenship in rural Jordan,” with Carol Palmer (CBRL-Amman).
- “After Empires: Legacies of Foreign Rule and Long-Run Fiscal Capacity in Arab States,” with Yusuf Magiya (Columbia).
Policy Papers, Opinion Pieces, and Essays
- Allison Spencer Hartnett, Ezzeldeen al-Natour, Laith al-Ajlouni. “Drastic Measures: Coercive Enforcement and Economic Effects of Pandemic Suppression in Jordan,” POMEPS Collection: The COVID-19 Pandemic in North Africa and the Middle East, April, 2020.
- Laith Fakhri Al-Ajlouni, Allison Spencer Hartnett. “Making the Economy Political in Jordan’s Tax Revolts,” Middle East Report Online, February 24, 2019.
- “Colonial Legacies of Uneven State Development in MENA,” POMEPS Collection on Social Policy in the Middle East, October 19, 2018.
- “Can Jordan’s New Prime Minister Reform the Government?” The Monkey Cage Blog, The Washington Post, June 13, 2018.
- Wilson, G and Hartnett, A. Guidance on Fragile States for the Stabilisation Unit. United Kingdom Department for International Development, June 2016.
- Hartnett, A. Protest, Unrest and State-Society Relations. International Peace Institute, June 2014.